ZAAA calls for more sponsorship to stage ICR
Published On September 30, 2017 » 2606 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Others, Sports
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ZAMABIA Amateur Athletics Association (ZAAA) president Elias Mpondela says the success of the inaugural Copperbelt Inter-Company Relay would determine the sustainability of the event in the province.
Mpondela said the ICR was an expensive event and needed serious commitments from stakeholders and partners to hold it on a yearly basis.
ZAAA is scheduled to stage for the first on the Copperbelt the ICR at the Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola next week Saturday with plans underway to make the event a yearly occasion.
Mpondela said the decision to stage the ICR on the Copperbelt was due to the demand from the people and companies in the province after the event had been consistently held in Lusaka.
“This is a very expensive venture and we need everyone on board. We plan to be having here on the Copperbelt every year but whether we can do that will depend on the response we get from the inaugural one,” he said.
Mpondela said the organising committee was still appealing to the companies on the Copperbelt to come on board sponsor different teams in the categories on offer.
ZAAA received a big boost on Tuesday when Zambia Forests and Forestry Industries Corporation (ZAFFICO) became the headline  sponso r for the event with a package of K120, 000.
Another K15, 000 was received from Bata Shoe Company, who might be given to sponsor the Power Race where professional athletes Sydney Siame and Kabange Mupopo could participate.
The committee had budgeted K500, 000 to successfully stage the ICR and Mpondela has remained confident that more sponsors would come on board in the remaining days before the event.

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