Enter the blesser
Published On February 4, 2017 » 2170 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Features
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Mix - newIn our days, older men, usually with expensive well fed pot bellies, who were feasted upon by or themselves feasted upon young women were called sugar daddies.  Never mind whether they really tasted like sugar, which is damn sweet, or not they were known this way and they remained a regular phenomenon on the list of societal undesirables that just wouldn’t go away.
Their money spoke for them such sweet language it was impossible for younger women, who they targeted to massage their egos, to object.  They went about the business of baiting your younger sisters or even your daughters with cash and expensive gifts with such careless abandon you wished there were some girls that could have exacted due shame by slicing off a few of the potbellied daddies’ vital body statistics!  And heaven knows there would have been no hue or cry raised from any quarters.
It did not happen.  So, it was business as usual.  The older men used their fat overflowing pockets to lure our girls into illicit sex acts. But while our sugar daddies generally had the task of hunting and sniffing out their potential sweet 16s as we called their partners, and it wasn’t always easy to do so, life for such men today has been made that much easier.  Like I wrote a few weeks ago, today’s girls are easy to hook.  So the biggies, the ‘fazas’ don’t have to worry that their potbellies make them relatively hard to market; they don’t have to worry about where to secretly go hunting for their prey.  There are girls all over the shore who do the hunting for men!  In the lion world, lionesses are known to do more hunting than males.  Thus it has become for humans in this sex for money picture around these places.
And the hunted men, the prey, need no longer be huge men with potbellies.  They just need to have the capacity to distribute cash to the girls as and when the need for cash arises.  It could be cash for food for that young chick resident at a boarding house full of other university or college kids, or that little one still loafing at home with no idea when pa and ma will manage to send her into college, or indeed for someone whose monthly wages at the office do not quite please her so she must get a man to supplement and complement whatever she gets.
All categories of youngsters these days look out for that man for whom they may have no love or any feelings of intimacy or excitement so long he is able to do the cash thing, you know.  They call them “blessers”, you know!  They bless the recipient with cash and other gifts!  There will be the other guy, the innocent guy who the girl truly and really loves, and for whom she spares the best of the love games, but who in most instances hasn’t the slightest clue what his lover is up to when he is not watching!  I hear there could even be others in the queue, third parties who are in the fray because they are good in bed! The fact about some “blessers” is that their money might not buy them sexual prowess or the kind of bedtime styles that attract an entire battalion of Miss Universes towards a man!  They can “bless” with expensive perfumes and expensive meals;they can dress up the kids in the latest fashions from Parisian or Milan design houses; they can furnish the kidlings’ houses or rooms, but still be miserable flops and total horrors in bed!
The other party comprises the poor young lover who has all the attention of the girl, maybe because of his great looks or whateverother reason. Butin some cases case, sometimes many cases, this guy has no idea that sex is about two people getting equal measure of pleasure and satisfaction so all he does is kick about in bed as if he is all that matters in the equation!  No sir.  Learn some tricks about love making and make sure your partner is not leftasking questions where she will get her fill.  When such “dissatisfied” girls meet that accidental male match-up who specializes in games of seduction he is so particular about pleasing the partner, then you have another party added to the queue of partners.  So you have the lover i.e. the heartthrob who has genuinely stolen her heart; followed by the man with the golden cash box whose only real use to the girl is financing her extravagancies, and of course the master seducer and fornicator.
You take turns, sir!
And the girls rarely get caught.  They spend a huge amount of time on social media scanning your profiles and profile pictures, before they send you a “friend request”.  Minutes after you accept the request, you get greetings in various forms including “hey”, “hi” and “hello”!  Then the conversation starts as if you are being interviewed for a job when it’s your pocket that is at risk of being emptied!
My wife, AmakePachikani says all girls who call their sin partners “blessers” are destined for the hotter part of burning hell.  She is dismayed that the act of God, the sovereign act of blessing people that is almost exclusively the preserve of the Creator is now being transferred to sinful men who themselves do not appreciate that they are rich because God has permitted them; He has genuinelyblessed them!
“What blesser?” she protests.  “They are just idiots who won’t even know where their wealth disappeared to when God is done with them.  They haven’t heard about the wrath of God!  Money is like water in a river.  You don’t know where it comes from and where it goes.  There can be so much water in a river and all of sudden, there is little or nothing!  God will consign to hell, for heating and melting, every stupid idiot who fornicates or commits adultery with other people’s husbands and calls them“blesser”.  They will go melt together man and woman even for the blasphemy!”
I can comprehend and appreciate AmakePachikani’s trepidation over this matter.  After all, at the back of her mind, she cannot fully discount the fact that I might, in those better days when I worked at the International Institution, have been a “blesser” myself.  I am that foolish but very lucky husband who once turned up home with a used condom still intact on me in my drunken stupor.  She could well be saying “Hubby ifyou play these “blesser” games, you are a goner.  There won’t be heaven for you.”
She need not worry about me being a potential “blesser”.  Not today, not in my times as a fairly welloff, well paid dude.  Yes, once in a while I had a part time lover.  We called our permanent lovers ATMs (Assistants to the Madam).  They didn’t spews out cash like ATMs do.  They chewed it!  We spent quite a bit on them.  Except they were not kids who in their free time still played hide and seek with your youngest daughters as the case is fast turning out to be with the girls who go out with these so called “blessers”.  You see, college and university entrants are becoming ever the younger these days and as soon as they smell the rot from others how they are living exuding comfort even when ma and pa can but only afford the boarding house fees and just a little to keep them going, the 18 year olds, the 19s, 20s and the like jump on the bandwagon of man hunting! They make you, MrBlesserNjombwinjo or BlesserChitambo, or BlesserKabotolo feel so good being “admired” by so young a thing in spite of the uncountable wrinkles and other old age bumps sprouting from everywhere on your face you reach for your wallet as soon as you recognise her phone number on your phone screen!
But wait a minute!  I am beginning to hear of female “blessers”, elderly comfortable women who are willing to bare their motherly cream coloured thighs and bottoms to our 18, 19 or 20 year old college and university sons and nephews in exchange for cash.  The boys get “blessed” to permanently eliminate boredom and loneliness from these mothers’ lives!  Son, you had better sharpen some skills!  Or ask her exactly what she expects you to do lest you quickly lose your pay cheque!  She’s been around and knows what it means to spend quality time with a man so she expects far better than the kick and rush associated with your age group!  Do some time at the gym too.  And … don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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