As we begin the year 2016, I wish to advise readers that implementation of the display of insurance discs law which was supposed to be effected on January 1, 2016, has been pushed to February 1, 2016.
This was announced by the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) on December 29, 2015.
The notification applies to all other road licences required on the road, except those which by their nature, are issued to certify the roadworthiness of a vehicle such as fitness certificate.
This extension has given an opportunity to motorists to ensure that they are well prepared for the implementation of this piece of legislation by getting the aforestated disc.
Law enforcement agencies should therefore hold their fire and avoid victimising motorists unlawfully.
On the other hand, motorists should also beware of this development and should equally refuse to be victimised by the police for failing to display the insurance disc before February 1, for instance.
This emphasis emanates from the fact that last year, people in some parts of the country were reportedly victimised by the police ignorantly.
This was despite the law being deferred to this year.
Unfortunately a few of the people that wrote to this columnist and who were also charged were not refunded the fines or whatever they paid to the police.
Some of these victims went on to suggest that policemen should have identity cards for easy identification because in that instance, it was very difficult to identify those who had victimised them.
Just a few days ago, it was unfortunate to read on social media how some people were being penalised by the police for failing to display insurance discs and this was indeed unfortunate.
I wish to also place emphasis on the fact that motor insurance periods will now strictly coincide with each quarter as opposed to an insurance year which does not necessarily follow the calendar year.
For example, if cover starts today January 6, 2016, it could run up to January 5, 2017.
However, with end of quarter expiry dates cover must end on either of the following dates; March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31.
If you have cover which is running under the former you need to revise the same when getting your disc.
Let us take an example of someone with cover that would run up to February 25, 2016.
In such a case, that person will have to extend his insurance to March 31, 2016 to be given a disc for a quarter.
He will therefore, be charged appropriate premium for the additional period.
The alignment of insurance to quarters is also a very good move.
This is because under the previous system one would have insurance ending say February, but would still get road tax for a quarter.
Notwithstanding the fact that the insurance is a pre requisite for obtaining road tax, in such a case there was a gap in cover which defeated the purpose of tying insurance to road tax and by so doing, left members of the public unprotected to injuries or death caused by motorists.
Theoretically speaking, in the example given above, when one gets road tax for a quarter with insurance cover up to February, it is expected that before cover expires, he would go back to buy insurance so that there is no gap.
However, how many would actually go back to update their insurance once they get their road tax?
What this created is a situation where people with valid road tax would find themselves uninsured in an event of an accident after the expiry date (end of February) but within that quarter.
Under the new system once someone has road tax, then automatically or at least in theory they must have valid insurance cover.
This is because they cannot get road tax which does not tally with insurance cover.
I urge all readers who have not yet bought their insurance disc to quickly visit their insurer or broker to normalise this requirement and become totally compliant to the law.
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(The Author is a Chartered Insurer with 11 years industry experience)