A FORTNIGHT ago we looked at a topic that deserves some more publicity to sensitise members of the public on the implication of Statutory Instrument (SI) number 33 of 2015 which makes the display of insurance discs compulsory with effective January 1, 2016.
Today, I will focus on some selected responses from the readers of this column and also try to address their questions.
The first response came from a chief executive officer of one of the insurance companies whose name I will withhold because we spoke on phone and didn’t get permission to publish it.
He commended this author for clearly explaining to the public the effect of the SI.
He expressed concern of the delay to have a common disc which ideally all players should have by now and was of the view that each insurer be allowed to have their own unique disc for their identity.
I would like to thank the named insurance firm boss for taking time to phone me and give some feedback.
For those who may not be aware, the industry players will be using a common disc for easy identification purposes.
In this regard, the body responsible for securing the common disc is the Insurers Association of Zambia (IAZ) which is duly working round the clock to have the same done.
I spoke to IAZ executive director, Mrs Christabel Banda, who advised that the same is being processed.
The next response came from Wesley Ngoma who wrote:
Good morning Webster, going through your article, I found it interesting in educating the general public on issues especially relating to traffic issues.
I would like to register my disappointment with officers whom we believe to be enforcers of law as they take advantage and make some Kwachas for their pockets.
I have some questions that need clarification as below; firstly, the law of displaying insurance disc will be effected on January 1, 2016 and some motorists have been victimised by these officers who in the process paid the fines.
Upon presenting the receipts to any government institution or Police station, is it possible to claim back the money?
Secondly; the officers who knowingly that the SI will be effected in January but have made people to pay the fines, can they be sued for the intention of being bribed?
The third question; is there any vehicle exempted from displaying the insurance disc, for example a government vehicle or to be specific any traffic motor vehicle?
Kindly assist with the write up of this SI so that I can go through it.
Lastly, when traffic officers are patrolling what vehicles are they mandated to use and is a private vehicle allowed to be used in their operations?
(When the general duties officers will say no transport is available when we call on them).
Looking forward to hear from you! Thanks and regards, Wesley Ngoma, Chingola.
First and foremost I wish to thank Wesley for the feedback.
It is regrettable to learn that some motorists were victimised by the police who made them o pay for the law that will be effected next year.
May be the reason for doing this can be better explained by those who charged the motorists.
As a writer my role is to inform the public on what is prevailing.
On whether refunds can be made is something I am not able to answer here.
My suggestion is that those involved visit the police stations where this occurred and air their views.
Just like any other legal case there is a procedure to be followed until concerns of parties involved are resolved accordingly.
On the second question as to whether the police officers involved should be sued or not, again I am not the best advisor on such a legal issue. I would suggest you consult a lawyer.
The third question is interesting because the SI does not state which vehicle is exempted.
By implication this means all vehicles must display the disc, however it is not my intention to delve the legal jargon or interpretation of this law on which vehicle is exempted.
My task is to merely advice motorists to ensure that they have these discs by January 1 2016.
Again on the last point on as which vehicles the patrolling police officers should use, it is not within the scope of tasks to address the issue on this platform.
However, thank you again for taking time to write to this column.
Comments: webster@picz or webster_tj@hotmail.com or on face book search for Insurance Talk-Zambia page or call/text 0977 857 055
(The author is a Chartered Insurer with more than 10 years industry experience)