Hubby abandons wife over twins
Published On September 13, 2015 » 1368 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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A HOUSEWIFE of Ndola’s Chipulukusu Township has been deserted by her husband after she gave birth to twins.
Ms Mirriam Sakala, 32, narrated the ordeal to the Sunday Times that found the woman with some of her children in Chipulukusu that her husband Simasiku Katungu had decided to leave her because of the twins.
She said her husband had told her that in his family no one had ever fathered or given birth to twins.
Following the birth of the twins, Ms Sakala now has six children and she now had to fend for all the children as their father had abandoned them.
Ms Sakala has been evicted from her home for failing to pay monthly rentals of K250.
“The landlord has told us to move out of the house because we have not paid the rentals, so on Monday, we shall have nowhere to go,” she said.
Ms Sakala, who was flanked by her maternal grandfather Isaac Phiri, said her husband had switched off his phones and was summoned by her relatives for a meeting but had never turned up.

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