State warns against illegal structures
Published On June 7, 2015 » 2515 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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GOVERNMENT has warned that structures built on illegally obtained land still risk being demolished.
Lands and Natural Resources Minister Christabel Ngimbu said houses or any other structure that had been built or would be built on illegally obtained land would still be demolished by authorities.
Ms Ngimbu said it was illegal for anyone to get land without following the correct procedure and consequences of doing that, could not be avoided.
“Those are repercussions of building on land that you have just grabbed or that is not properly bought. Such buildings will be demolished,” she said.
Ms Ngimbu said all those that were building without following procedure would not be compensated.
She said the Ministry of Lands was working with police to arrest the problem of illegal land allocations.
Those that have so far been found wanting, have been prosecuted.
Ms Ngimbu said there were no sacred cows in the fight against the problems that surround land ownership in Zambia and that cadres or any member of society found wanting will face the law.
“We are not sitting idle and we are making frantic efforts to bring to book anyone found wanting because we quickly want to arrest the situation,” she said.
Recently, houses in Chinika area that were built on land under dispute were demolished.

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