Township roads to transform Solwezi
Published On May 12, 2015 » 2030 Views» By Administrator Times » Features
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•With the increasing population and business opportunities created by huge investments in the mining industry, a good road network is inevitable in Solwezi.

•With the increasing population and business opportunities created by huge investments in the mining industry, a good road network is inevitable in Solwezi.

By Priscilla Simukoko –

The release of K222 million for construction of township roads in Solwezi District is a developmental milestone that will leave an inprint in the lives of the local people.
It  is a milestone because the district  never  had tarred township roads before in its history.
The state in which the so called township roads are,  is pathetic and are a  source of dust and mud that characterises townships every where during the dry and rainy seasons.
The district has existed as a provincial town for North western Province since independence with foot paths which over time have become township roads.
This scenario to a great extent, justifies the manner housing units in townships are setup, there was no  organised plan to the way houses are developed. As a result of this,  the district has neither street names nor house numbers.  Worse still,  locating a business premise is a nightmare if it is not along the M8 road which runs through the central business district from the Copperbelt.
To cope with life under such circumstances,  one locates an area or place by the nearest feature.
The poor state of township roads has been a major hindrance to the economic growth of the district, observes Goodson Nshimbi, a local entrepreneur.
With the  increasing population and business opportunities created by huge investments in the mining industry, a good road network is inevitable in Solwezi.
Where the cost of living is very high, people expect basic social services to be available to at least justify this cost but it’s not the case.
“It is easy for anyone to mistake the district for a former war zone, things do just add up here” echoed Paul Masumba a senior citizen.
North western Province  permanent secretary Amos Malupenga noted when addressing village headmen and women of the Lunda Lubanza cultural association of Zambezi District that, unless township roads are worked on, people will not appreciate the benefits of other projects that government has been implementing aimed at improving their living standards.
“Township roads are a major issue not only here but in all the districts in the province, people have come to believe that government has neglected them   and yet, there are developmental projects going on in every district which people do not know about because they cannot access the services easily,” Mr Malupenga said.
The PS observed “every good thing government is doing for the people are being overshadowed by the poor state of township roads.”
Mr Nshimbi however feels that having a good road network will open townships; improve mobility of goods and services that are necessary for the well being of the people.
“Not only will the roads enhance the living standards of the people, but will  also add value to the profile of the district which is an essential ingredient to attract local investment,” he said.
Solwezi Mayor Ezekiel Mulonga is optimistic that the road network will definitely impact positively on the cost of living as well as doing business.
‘We are grateful to  the PF government and its administration for fulfilling the promise to work on township roads.With tarred roads,  a lot of things will change. I cannot wait to see the new roads and am appealing to the residents to cooperate and ensure works are done to the satisfaction of the community,” Mayor Mulonga added.
“There are many economic opportunities that have remained dormant and am looking forward to having more investors not only in the mining sector but in other sectors too”, Mayor Mulonga added.
The Mayor said during this year’s  first quarter council meeting that,  K222 million will be spent on the  construction of township roads in the district. Government has contracted China Geo Company to construct the Kandudu, Police, Medical Centre, Messenger, College and Kikombe Township Roads.
The fulfilment of the long awaited dream of the people in Solwezi is finally coming to pass, a total of 30.5 kilometres of  township roads will be worked on. Indeed this is a milestone for  developmental projects which will erase the frustration of the people that has been burning for a long time. The sense of belonging will be restored in many lives of the people as their cry to eat from the national cake will be evident. The contractor is prepapring to move on site following the provision of land by the council for setting up camp. While it is true that administrations come and go, projects they initiate, remain their foot print for everyone to see.

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