Solwezi gets K3m for projects
Published On April 5, 2015 » 1509 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Latest News
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OVER K3 million has been released under the ward development fund for various projects in Solwezi .
The funds are meant for construction works in 22 wards in Solwezi district with each allocated K150, 000.
This came to light during a full council meeting last week.
Some of the projects include the tarring of 30.5 kilometres of urban road works which would commence at the end of the rainy season.
Solwezi Mayor Ezekial Mulonga said that the construction works of a three-storey, ultra modern civic centre had also commenced and was expected to be completed in 12 months.
Mr Mulonga said once completed, the district would have a face lift and would set a standard which other institutions would emulate.
He also said that the construction of Solwezi city mall would soon commence as the developers were currently doing clearance issues with Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA), customs and other relevant offices.
“It gives me great pleasure to announce that the ward development fund for our 22 wards has been released and will soon be made available to the councillors.
“The Solwezi City mall will be the first shopping mall in the district and the province as a whole. It will house modern shops and a three star budget hotel,” he said.
Mr Mulonga said other projects to be funded include the construction of schools, bridges and township roads.
He said the construction works were expected to provide employment to the local people during the construction phase and when works are completed.
Mr Mulonga said construction works that were being undertaken in Solwezi signified a key milestone in the development of the town and would also boost its economic status.

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