Zambia gets $158m HIV/TB grant
Published On January 9, 2015 » 1933 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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. Chikwanda

. Chikwanda

THE Global Fund under the new Funding Model has awarded Zambia US$158 million meant for HIV/ TB, and $82 million for malaria programmes.
Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda said during the signing ceremony, also attended by Health Minister Joseph Kasonde yesterday that the grant was to be implemented by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Community Development and the Churches Health Association of Zambia over a period of three years beginning this year.
Mr Chikwanda said since inception of the Global Fund in 2002, the Zambian Government had received more than $742.6 million from the organisation.
He said the funds and technical assistance to Zambia had significantly improved the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria as well as strengthening infrastructure, human resource, equipment and information systems.
The Finance minister said the HIV and TB grant was for the procurement of first line adult ARVs, TB drugs as well as prevention programmes for the public, especially adolescents.
“The malaria grant will support vector control using long lasting insecticide nets, indoor residual spraying, case management, community system strengthening and support for the supply chain strengthening,” he said.
Executive director of the Global Fund to fight malaria, HIV and TB, Mark Dybul said he was delighted that Zambia was a principal recipient of the fund because of the good record the country had on the implementation.
Dr Dybul said Zambia was a good example on the commitment and major strides the country was making towards controlling the diseases.
“We are impressed that Zambia is not only making positive strides towards fighting the diseases but also providing god healthcare system. Zambia has also improved its domestic health finance,” he said.
Dr Kasonde said the $240 million grant was a significant contribution in the fight against diseases in the country.
He said the grant would contribute to ensuring 100 per cent coverage of the first line ARV and TB medications over the next two years.
Dr Kasonde said the country was proud to be a part of the new funding model which had already shown its efficiency.
“Impressively these grants were agreed to and signed more quickly than in the past, a key element of the funding model the Global Fund adopted at the beginning of 2014,” he said.
Dr Kasonde sai what was of great importance to Zambia was the return of the Ministry of Health as the Global Fund principal recipient.

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