GOVERNMENT has set aside K2 million to open up new embassies in Australia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), among others.
Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba said in Parliament on Tuesday evening that the opening of the embassies would assist reposition Zambia on the global economy.
The foreign policy would also continue to be promoted to enhance relations with the outside world.
The new ministerial strategic plan in the revised sixth national development plan would assist enhance trade and tourism and reduce poverty in the country.
Zambia’s missions abroad had continued to work hard to attract foreign direct investment.
Government was aware of the bad infrastructure at the missions abroad and the inadequate diplomatic staff but was doing everything possible to improve the situation.
The Government would use the phased out approach to ensure the infrastructure does not degenerate into unusable structures.
In 2015, a diaspora policy would be introduced which would integrate Zambians abroad to assist develop the country.
Government would also use exchange visits for Zambian and foreign leaders to enhance development in the country.
The Joint Permanent Commissions would also be used to move the country forward.
The role that Zambia had played in liberating neighbouring countries had continued to have an effect on some sections of the country and the Zambia mining centre was at hand to sensitise Zambians on the dangers of landmines and other harmful substances left in the liberation struggle.
But opposition MPs took the Government to task over the alleged continued appointing of relatives to the diplomatic service some of whom were not even qualified for the jobs.
Lubansenshi Independent MP Patrick Mucheleka urged Government not to take advantage of the existing peace but uphold it for the development of the country.
Choma central UPND MP Cornelius Mweetwa said it was sad that the foreign service had become a dumping ground for political asylum seekers.
By appointing cadres to the Foreign Service, Zambia was compromising its diplomatic standing.