New Mapatizya Police post to boost security
Published On September 3, 2014 » 2031 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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Government has commissioned Mapatizya Police post in Zimba District and assured investors of protecting their investment in the country against criminal activities.
The facility, located in Mapatizya Constituency about 130 kilometres from Zimba central business district and 110 Kilometres from Kalomo, was built by Government in collaboration with Kariba Minerals Limited.
Speaking at the commissioning ceremony on Tuesday, Home Affairs Deputy Minister Nixon Chilangwa urged police officers to remain committed in tracking down criminal activities.
Mr Chilangwa said it was for this reason that Government had embarked on construction of many police stations in all parts of the country in order to curb criminal activities.
“Government is very committed in protecting various investments across the country to ensure all business ventures are not disrupted by criminal activities,” he said.
He said Government through the ministry would soon upgrade the Mapatizya police post into a police station and deploy more officers with adequate transport facilities for easier patrols.
Mr Chilangwa said Mapatizya Constituency was an important economic hub due to mining activities such as emerald and amethysts by some investors in the area.
He said President Michael Sata was committed in uplifting the living standards of Zambians, citing the on-going creation of employment opportunities countywide.
He called on Mapatizya residents employed as workers in mining companies to always seek dialogue whenever they engage in disputes with employers unlike damaging property.
Southern Province Police Chief Mary Chikwanda urged the Government to deploy more officers at the police post due to the growing population in Mapatizya Constituency.
Ms Chikwanda said the area had witnessed an increase in cases of Gender Based Violence and assault in the remote areas of Mapatizya.
Mbwiko Ward Councillor Aswell Chakulapai commended Government and Kariba Minerals limited for constructing the facility, which he said, would help to reduce crime in Mapatizya

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