Two juveniles nabbed for defilement
Published On September 3, 2014 » 1487 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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TWO teenage boys in Kitwe have been arrested after they took turns in defiling a 14-year-old girl.
The boys, who are aged 14 and 15 years respectively, defiled the girl for two nights at their residence in Kamakonde Township.
Copperbelt Commissioner of Police Joyce Kasosa confirmed the incident which happened between Thursday and Sunday.
Ms Kasosa said the girl ran away from her parents’ home last week on Thursday and went to cohabit at the teenage boys’ house, where she remained until Sunday when she was
She said during her two day stay, the teenage boys took turns in defiling the girl.
“The matter was reported by a man of Kamakonde that her 14-year-old daughter was defiled by two teenage boys aged 14 and 15 respectively at their house for two nights,” she said.
Ms Kasosa said the two juveniles were arrested on Sunday and were currently in police custody

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