Seeds beget their kind! (Pt 1)
Published On March 29, 2014 » 2560 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Features
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•The more valuable one’s skills and inputs are, the greater the financial remuneration will be. This is why a wheelbarrow pusher will always get far less than a CEO in a fortune 500 company, although realistically the wheelbarrow pusher works “harder” than the other.

•The more valuable one’s skills and inputs are, the greater the financial remuneration will be. This is why a wheelbarrow pusher will always get far less than a CEO in a fortune 500 company, although realistically the wheelbarrow pusher works “harder” than the other.

THE best way to say something is just to say it! The greatest challenge with the truth is that it will always hurt.
We tend to have certain preconceived notions concerning a given subject or paradigm and will even deny hard facts when confronted with them so that we can continue in that particular viewpoint in spite of the damage it may bring to our lives.
The second seed principle is one such truth! That truth is this: Seeds beget their kind!
It does not matter what one may say or show, that principle remains true because when God created living things, He put within each one of them the capacity to perpetuate themselves through seeds.
This precept also touches and affects the eight key areas of our lives, of which finances is one of them.
It is, therefore, very sad when you see people with all their mental faculties in order ignoring this fact and instead choosing to act on the tirades (very convincing and emotionally tagging) of a television or church preacher.
I too am a preacher and I am Pentecostal, but I need to speak out on what has now become an epidemic in the church that is injuring many Christians and driving them away from God.
Though I may prove unpopular with what I will write in these seed principles, better the truth is taught and God is glorified than friendship with rogue spiritual scammers!
1: Mangoes beget mangoes and fig trees do not produce oranges!
It is impossible for a mango tree to produce an orange because this goes against the will of God. Now what is the will of God? Without getting too philosophical, it is simply doing and living as He intended when He created you or something.
Simply put, lions do not fly because they were not created with wings. Dogs cannot speak because they do not have that capacity created within them. Human beings do not lay eggs because they are not built that way.
So, if a human being lays an egg or a pig flies, then that would be considered supernatural. If a mango tree started producing apples, that would be in the “Ripley’s Believe it or not” book as it would be in the realm of the impossible – and for very good reasons.
2: Whatever you look to reap, that is what you must sow!
Let’s bring it into the area of finances. If you are looking for a financial harvest, you must start with a financial seed.
Those of you that are getting familiar with my writings know a principle I am always teaching that states: Wealth = time + effort + money (value).
If you want to create long-term wealth, you must first sow time and effort together with value.
The more value you sow into the equation coupled with the right skill, the less time and effort required.
In fact, if you happen to have about US$1 million, you can completely eliminate time and effort and still create life-long wealth (if you have the right financial education).
However, one ought to note that the less money they have, the greater the time and effort they would have to put into creating wealth.
Value = Income. This is another principle that applies whenever one is looking for greater financial rewards.
The more valuable one’s skills and input, the greater the financial remuneration will be. This is why a wheelbarrow pusher will always get far less than a CEO in a fortune 500 company although realistically the wheelbarrow pusher works “harder” than the other.
Since income and money are synonymous, where money is short, value must be the other ingredient. This, therefore, means that our equation would thus read: Wealth = time + effort + value.
If you can sow value coupled with effort over a period of time, you will definitely reap a great reward.
In short, your seeds will come back multiplied!
3: Prayer will not yield money, neither will money reap righteousness!!
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (John 3:6 – NKJV). Allow me to use an analogy to get this point across.
There are two maize farmers who decide to “sow” their seeds into two different grounds. When the season is right, the first farmer decides to till the ground, place all the necessary fertiliser and then plants his seed. He follows up with tending the crop until harvest time.
The second farmer instead takes his seed to a church and “sows” it at the altar as a “seed” offering. He then follows up with tending that seed through prayer and belief until harvest time.
Using common sense, which of these two farmers will have a harvest? In spite of the obvious answer, many have not followed this and have gone against common sense and sown “seeds” spiritually in order to reap financial harvests.
They have completely disregarded all other principles governing finances like hard work, strategic planning, value, opportunity, etc, and instead gone and applied a spiritual principle at the wrong time.
In short the answer above is the first farmer.
Breaking Barriers LOGOGiving in church is a spiritual activity and is rightly so. Planting seeds on the earth is a physical activity and rightly so. When Jesus spoke of flesh, He was referring to things tangible like the first farmer’s activities.
However, when He spoke of spirit, He was referring to intangible things of the spiritual realm. Each one of these two realms, the spiritual and the physical, have principles that govern them and God is the author of all the laws that govern the universe, whether physical or spiritual.
When people choose to violate these principles, they will not be able to benefit from them. In the case of the first farmer, this means that he followed all the right channels involving planting seeds whereas the second one applied a spiritual principle wrongly.
To be continued… –

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