HH trial fails to take off
Published On March 10, 2014 » 2160 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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TRIAL in a matter in which United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema is charged with publication of false news yesterday failed to start in the Lusaka magistrate’s court.
The matter could not take off because there was no equipment for the court to view documentary evidence.
This is in a matter where Hichilema is facing one count of publication of false news contrary to the law.
It is alleged that Hichilema on June 11, 2012 allegedly uttered false news with intent to cause fear that the Patriotic Front (PF) had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Sudanese government to training PF youths in militia tactics.
But when the matter came up for commencement of trial yesterday before Principal Magistrate Aridah Chuulu, the State informed the court that trial could not proceed because there was a problem with the machine to operate the video.
The prosecution is, as part of its evidence, expected to televise in court a Press briefing held by Hichilema where he allegedly uttered the false news.
The State further told the court that the people who were working on the equipment needed more time to configure the machines and as such, they were requesting for an adjournment.
The defence through one of the lawyers Sakwiba Sikota did not object to the application.
Ms Chuulu adjourned the matter to May 5, 2014.

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