Turkey chancery building was bought in August 2021…while cash for purchase of 12 properties was released in December 2020 -witness
Published On August 30, 2024 » 528 Views» By Times Reporter » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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A WITNESS in a matter in which former Foreign Affairs minister Joseph Malanji is jointly charged with former Secretary to the Treasury Fedson Yamba has said the (Mahatma Gandhi) chancery in Ankara, Turkey was bought in August 2021 when the funds to purchase 12 properties was released by the Ministry of Finance in December 2020.
Investigations officer Mukelabai Kwaleyela showed Magistrate Ireen Wishimanga in Lusaka yesterday the bank money transfers from Zambia to Turkey IS Bank of US$22,500 in May 2021 meant for rentals when the money for purchase according to bank statements, was wired on December 28, 2020.

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