‘Zambia on right growth path’
Published On March 6, 2014 » 2882 Views» By Administrator Times » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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.President Sata

.President Sata


ZAMBIA has taken bold steps to promote good governance and enhance sustainable development, President Michael Sata has said.
Mr Sata said since 2011, Government had introduced reforms that ensured equity and enhanced development.
He said during the launch of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Zambia report at State House yesterday that the initiative was positive for the promotion of good governance and sustainable development in African countries.
The Head of State said since coming into power, the Patriotic Front (PF) Government had introduced reforms that had enhanced development in Zambia.
Mr Sata said the APRM was promoting a good environment for social and economic development.
“The APRM is good in assisting countries to attain social and economic development without conditions attached.
“With the APRM, we as Zambia are on the right track for sustainable development,” he said.
Mr Sata said it was good that Africa had for the first time come up with its own production in the name of the APRM which had no conditions attached in the delivery of development to the people.
He said a lot still needed to be done to ensure development in Zambia and called on Government, the private sector and civil society to work together and ensure development.
He commended everyone involved in the APRM process, saying it would go a long way in shaping the country.
Acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda, Cabinet ministers, Government officials, labour leaders and members of the National Governing Council attended the launch of the report.
Earlier, Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba said good governance was the cornerstone that Zambia needed for economic growth.
He said Government wanted to place citizens at the centre of development.
“As PF Government, we have accelerated infrastructure development and promoted efforts in agriculture, commerce and trade.
“We want to ensure equitable development for all and ensure poverty reduction,” he said.
APRM eminent person Fatuma Nyirakobwa said the launch of Zambia’s APRM report would strengthen governance and help the country improve in all aspects of governance.

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