Venture into housing projects, State tells investors
Published On March 5, 2014 » 2016 Views» By Administrator Times » Business, Stories
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THE Government has called  for investors to take advantage of the prevailing investment policies in Zambia by venturing into housing projects.
Airtel Zambia Networks has handed over a three bedroomed house valued at K500,000 to Lovemore Mulenga, a matero resident and the first winner in the ongoing ‘Wina Big’ promotion launched in January.
Officiating at the handover ceremony in Lusaka, Local Government and Housing Minister Emerine Kabanshi urged the private sector to take advantage by offsetting the housing deficit the country was facing.
“To bridge the housing deficit gap in the country, we need Public Private Partnerships because the Government alone cannot meet the increasing demand for adequate and affordable housing,” Ms Kabanshi said.
The minister said her ministry was currently constructing 180 housing units in some selected newly created districts at a cost of K73 million.
And Airtel managing director Charity Lumpa said the diversity of winners in terms of geographical location was an indication of how well the 1,090 towers dotted around the country have contributed in providing quality communication solutions.
“Our promotion is aligned to Zambia’s Golden Jubilee and as a way of giving back to the community and loyal customers,” Ms Lumpa said.
She said home ownership and education were key indicators of  the  Zambia’s economic growth and that, the promotion which would run up to teh end of April, would further support Government’s initiative.
So far, Airtel has paid out K28,000 in cash prizes using Airtel money to 380 customers, K100,000 education support to 10 customers. Five customers have won fully-paid up trips to Brazil in July, 2014.
Mr Mulenga, the winner of the house said he was happy to win the prize and become an instant landlord.
“I could not believe when I received the call until I came to the Airtel head office in Lusaka,” an elated Mr Mulenga said.

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