Chifubu residents still asking questions over demolition of Mpezeni Hall
Published On January 25, 2022 » 1220 Views» By Times Reporter » Features
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• Mpezeni Hall before demolition.

WHAT appeared to be a dead issue has resurfaced: Residents of Ndola’s Chifubu Township have petitioned Government to enquire into the demolition of Mpezeni Hall and the acquisition of some community areas by some leaders in the former ruling Patriotic Front (PF) government.
It is three years now since Mpezeni Hall was demolished to pave way for an ultra-modern shopping mall.
But some concerned residents, who were against the razing down of the hall which they said was the only surviving social amenity in the area, have appealed to the ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) Government to intervene and stop the would-be investors from carrying out any construction work at the site where Mpezeni Hall was located.
In 2017, when news spread that the land on which Mpezeni Hall, the recreation club and the library which were community facilities are, would be sold, many people were against the idea.
The selling of the land meant that the structures, which were constructed long before Zambia attained independence in 1964, were to be pulled down to pave way for the construction of a shopping mall, much to the disapproval of many residents.
However, since the residents could not overrule the powers that be in the previous administration, a bulldozer was deployed on site to demolish the hall much to the chagrin of the residents who went there to witness the pulling down of the historical structures.
Since the demolition of the hall and the recreation club in December, 2018, no activity has taken place at the site.
The entire area has been barricaded with iron sheets as it waits for the would-be developer to go on site to start the construction of the said shopping mall.
In the succeeding three years, the site has been overgrown with bush.
Originally, during the colonial rule, this area and others of its kind around the country, was earmarked as a community amenity where social activities for men, women, girls and boys were taking place.
At these areas, structures that at that time were called welfares(community centers) were constructed for women to learn various domestic activities, such as cooking and needlework, while sporting activities, such as boxing, basketball, volleyball, netball and football, to name a few, were provided for the youth.
The centers also saved as nursery schools, which were known as ‘ama olofeya’ (welfares) for children.
Such places were a preserve for communities in the country.
It is for this reason that the concerned residents of Chifubu Township have called on the Government to intervene and stop whoever bought the community center not to go ahead with the construction of the purported shopping mall at the area.
The residents, through the area chairman Hendrix Mufaya and secretary Boniface Kanyanta, have petitioned Copperbelt Minister Elisha Matambo to carry out an enquiry into the demolition of Mpezeni Hall, the sale of the land and the acquisition of other community centers, such as Chitimukulu and Chiwala, which were all Ndola City Council (NCC) community centers in Chifubu Township.
Mr Mufaya said the community action to petition for the enquiry into the demolition of the hall followed numerous concerns by many residents of Chifubu Township and surrounding areas about the manner in which the hall and its annexed recreation club were pulled down and the subsequent failure by those involved to engage the communities.
“We, on behalf of Chifubu residents and other surrounding communities, do submit this petition to your office to establish the legality, the process and the circumstances into the demolition of Mpezeni Hall and the acquisition of Chitimukulu and Chiwala centers, which are supposed to be community areas, by some individual or individuals,” Mr Mufaya said.
He said the community action to petition the demolition of the facilities and the selling of the land where the structures stood follows numerous concerns by many residents of Chifubu and surrounding areas about the manner in which the hall and the recreation club was demolished.
Mr Mufaya said it is now three years since the hall was demolished to pave way for the construction of the shopping mall, but there was nothing happening at the site.
“In addition, construction of the so-called shopping mall is not taking place. Apart from being a community facility, Mpezeni Hall was a national monument which we believe should have been listed under the National Heritage and Conservation Commission. This was a community center for various activities, including sporting activities,” Mr Mufaya said.
He said the hall was the only existing community facility for the people in the area and it was alleged that some individuals had even acquired title deeds to the land.
“From the foregoing, it can be seen that the communities had great historical and social attachment to Mpezeni Hall and other community areas. As a community, our decision is that we want our Mpezeni Hall back and restored to its original state like what is happening to other lands obtained dubiously. We are not against development, but let the social community areas and national monuments not be destroyed,” Mr Mufaya said.
He said there are many places where development can be put up without the destruction of community facilities.
During an interaction dinner with the Citizens for Integrity and Good Governance and UPND sympathisers held at Abiya Lodge in Ndola in December,Mr Mufaya presented community concerns that required Government attention to Mr Matambo who graced the event.
The demolition of Mpezeni Hall, the status of Chifubu local court, which was gutted by fire some time back, the Ndola main local court and the dilapidated Nkana Road at Ndola Golf Club and the Kafubu Bridge, were among the issues raised.
Mr Mufaya told the Copperbelt minister about the imminent petition concerning Mpezeni Hall and Mr Matambo said he was aware of the destruction of the structure and assured that he would make follow-ups concerning the issue soon.
“As Copperbelt minister, I will make a follow up concerning the demolition of Mpezeni Hall in Chifubu. I will investigate the matter,” Mr Matambo said.
Several people, not only Chifubu residents, but Ndola residents too, expressed displeasure over the demolishing of the hall which had been in existence from as far back as the 1960s, and the allegedly selling of the land to a South African investor.
Abel Mutipula, who was brought up in Chifubu Township, expressed shock when he heard that Mpezeni Hall had been demolished and the land sold so that a shopping mall could be constructed.
“That was a very wrong decision. That place was a community area. It was earmarked for the residents and several activities took place there,” Mr Mutipula said.
He said he started olofeya (nursery school) there.
“They have destroyed a place close to the hearts of many people,” Mr Mutipula said.
Hunter Malila described the razing of the hall as a scandal and vandalism of the worst kind.
“Some leaders in the previous Government told us they were to demolish the hall and the club and put up a shopping mall in its place. We said no to that idea because this was a community place, but they could not listen to us,” Mr Malila.
Mr Malila’s statement was echoed by Weston Luo, Sichaliso Sitali,Danny Kalobwe, Canaan Chiko, and Joel Chanda who said the site has to be given back to the community.
The residents said the idea to demolish Mpezeni Hall and sell the land was mooted by the same people who bought other community centers in Chifubu Township to build business premises for themselves.
Some residents said the people who were behind the demolition of the hall and the selling of the land claimed that the place was being used by drunkards for immoral activities, but this was not true.
“In fact, the place had been patronized by some people who never drunk and run by some chairmen like the late Mr Kabondo who also did not drink alcohol. Functions like weddings, traditional events, political meetings and church gatherings used to take place there,” one resident said.
He said musicians from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), such as General Defao and Pepe Kale, and a reggae band from the United Kingdom (UK) – the Misty in Roots– performed at Mpezeni Hall while many local groups, like the Glorious Band, used the hall too,” he said.
An NCC worker who sought anonymity said even some workers from the local authority were not happy with the demolition of Mpezeni Hall.
“It was the only remaining community center in Ndola’s residential areas which accommodated all the social activities, including indoor and outdoor sports like volleyball and basketball which had courts inside the hall. It was a very unique epicenter of activities with a recreation annex,” the worker said.
The residents said despite their cries not to have Mpezeni Hall demolished and the land protected from being sold, their cries fell on deaf ears.
It is for this reason that the residents now want whoever was involved in the destruction of the community facility to be brought to book and the area given back to the community.
It remains to be seen how this issue would be resolved.

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