Damaged Chibombo schools rehab starts
Published On February 25, 2014 » 2800 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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THE Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) will spend K360,616.75 to rehabilitate school structures that were damaged by heavy rain storms at four schools in Chibombo.
Chibombo District Commissioner Felix Mang’wato said the money had been released and works had already started at the schools.
Mr Mang’wato disclosed that rehabilitation of Katete and Musopelo School were nearing completion.
He said DMMU had contracted Zambia National Service (ZNS) Engineers to do the rehabilitation that involved brick works and complete replacement of roofs that had been blown off.
Mr Mang’wato said other technical teams had already set up camp at Kalala and Namayani primary schools and preliminary works had started.
Mr Mang’wato thanked Government for responding quickly and mobilising of resources as it shows the seriousness that it attaches to education especially for the rural children.
“You can imagine Katete Primary School had its roof blown off just after the grade 7’s finished their exams last year and some of the answer sheets got soaked and as for Kalala the roof got ripped off in 2009”, Mr Mang’wato said.
Mr Mang’wato said the money has been broken down as follows: Kalala K136, 837.29, Musopelo K83, 294.80, Katete and Namayani                 K70, 242.33.
He said the rehabilitation would go a long way in reducing the overcrowding being experienced at the affected schools as a result of the reduced classroom space.

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