Dealing with impending 4th wave
Published On December 3, 2021 » 1885 Views» By Times Reporter » Features
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Laxity in adherence to public health measures, such as wearing of masks and keeping social distance in public places constitute some of the main potential drivers of the spread of the COVID-19 fourth wave.
Additionally, factors likely to influence contact rates especially as people go into the festive season, include holiday travels, super spreader events such as weddings, parties, church and political gatherings, among others, as well as lack of adherence to public health measures.
Globally, countries like Germany are already experiencing increased cases of the fourth wave which has already started claiming lives.
Similarly, in Africa, Head of Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), John Nkengasong recently indicated that 11 African countries are experiencing or have experienced the fourth wave of coronavirus.
In his weekly virtual press briefing, Dr Nkengasong, who is also the center’s director, named the affected countries as Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Eritrea, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Somalia and Tunisia.
He said Mauritius has actually been hit by a fifth wave, adding that the waves will continue unless vaccinations are scaled up and a good public health practice maintained.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health website says over 4 million people worldwide have died from COVID-19.
Zambia has lost over 3,000 people to the virus.
The Ministry of Health has further projected that the country may experience a fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic this year.
Former Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Technical Services Kennedy Malama, during COVID-19 routine briefing recently, indicated that there was a possibility of having the fourth wave at the end of this year into early 2022.
Dr. Malama said it was for this reason that the Government was prioritising strengthening health systems across all pillars including the vaccination program.
“The ministry has continued to prioritise preparedness and response, in readiness for a potential fourth wave which is soon expected. The preparedness is also based on experience gained this far from the first, second and third waves,” he said.
Health Minister Silvia Masebo recently indicated during the COVID-19 update that the country must remain on alert and not drop its guard as the fourth wave threatens to hit in early December.
“Getting vaccinated and observing the prescribed Covid-19 prevention public health measures remains pivotal in combating the pandemic in the country,” the minister said.
In the same way, health experts have raised concerned and have warned against the devastating effects of lack of adherence to the COVID-19 public health measures should the fourth wave hit the country.
Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) Director Victor Mukonka bemoaned the laxity in adherence to COVID-19 measures by members of the public.
Prof Mukonka has warned that lack of adherence to the public health measures is making the country vulnerable as the effects of the fourth wave, should it come would be worse.
Prof Mukonka noted that with the coming of the rains, temperatures are expected to go down making it favourable for the fourth wave virus to spread.
“So the appeal to all is let’s adhere to the public health measures, masking up particularly in public places, social distancing and avoiding crowded places. The period we are going into for obvious reasons the temperatures will go down with the coming of the rains which will make it very favourable for the virus,” he said.
Prof Mukonka called for a collective responsibility which he said should start at individual level as well as a unity of purpose as a country to ensure that the country is protected from the fourth wave or at least make sure that the disease is quickly clamped when it comes.
“And my appeal is that we have one enemy which is COVID. It calls for a collective responsibility which starts at an individual level because if I love myself I don’t want to get the COVID, I will follow the public health measures, if I love my family I will ensure they follow and if I love my friend I will ensure they follow, if I love my workmates I will ensure they follow,” he said.
And Prof Mukonka said Government has intensified various measures at country, provincial, district and community level in preparation for the possible imminent fourth wave.
He said the Government has also proceeded to prepare the resurgence plan that will allow the country to face the fourth wave when it comes.
He said among other things, government is also retraining the rapid responders across the country.
Prof Mukonka said in every district, at least seven people per team are being retrained so that should there be a case, the trained personnel can move in rapidly to attend to it.
“The second thing we are doing is commodity security. So here basically we are stockpiling the necessary supplies, logistics needed for the response,” he noted.
Meanwhile, Prof Mukonka indicated that the Government has mobilised adequate vaccines stating that individuals are at liberty to decide which ones they want to have including both pregnant and breast feeding women.
He explained that vaccines are safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women as the antibodies they reproduce cross over to the baby which gives them protection.
“What we need is to increase now on the up take from the public. All the pregnant women and those who are breast feeding, they need to be vaccinated. The beauty with it is that the antibodies they reproduce crosses over to the baby which gives protection to the babies,” he guided.
Prof. Mukonka also assured members of the public that all the vaccines are potent and effective and that is why they have been pre-qualified by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
He added that all the information needed on the vaccines can be obtained from the Zambia National Public Health Institute website, the Ministry of Health, WHO website as well as the African Union and the Africa CDC website.
He, however, advised against steaming, noting that if done it should be with a lot of caution as it can lead to death for individuals with weak lungs.
“Steaming traditionally has been used to easy up the congestion in the chest but specifically for COVID you need to do it very carefully because as you know the steam does burn and the danger is that if you are dealing with a weak lung and if you don’t apply it properly then you cause chemical injury to the lung which weakens it and can send you to death very quickly, so this needs to be done with a lot of caution,” he said.
The Zambia Medical Association (ZMA) has called for the increase in awareness on the anticipated fourth wave of COVID-19.
ZMA president Crispin Moyo said the few cases that are being reported in some regions across the country demonstrate that there is a community spread of COVID-19 taking place.
He regretted that people have gone back to the usual big gatherings without taking any precautions such as face masking or social distancing.
“Everything is back to normal. The development is a warning that the fourth wave is going to happen if preventive measures are not put in place,” Dr Moyo said.
He said, “The only way we can protect ourselves is to ensure that we continue to implement the five golden rules masking up, social distancing, hand hygiene and avoiding crowded places and above all ensuring that when vaccines are available lets go there and get vaccinated.”
Dr Moyo further called on other partners such as the media and the Church to once again intensify awareness against COVID-19 and the anticipated fourth wave. – ZANIS.

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