SEVEN miners at Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) have been injured and rushed to hospital in an underground accident at Konkola Deep Mining Project in Chililabombwe.
The seven were in a cage ferrying miners underground which tripped at level 434 metres deep yesterday morning.
Copperbelt police commissioner Joyce Kasosa and KCM spokesperson Shapi Shachinda both confirmed the incident which happened at 07:15 hours.
Ms Kasosa said of the seven miners, one sustained serious head injuries and was admitted to Konkola Mine Hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU).
“The rest complained of general body pains and they have equally been admitted to hospital for observation,” Ms Kasosa said.
She named the miner admitted to the ICU in a critical condition as Thomas Mukupa whose other details were not given.
Ms Kasosa said the other accident victims were Francis Chola, Yakonya Tembo, Francis Mondo, Desmond Mwale, Ackim Zulu and Hector Sinkamba.
And Mr Shachinda said in a statement said KCM regretted the accident which occurred at KDMP yesterday.
“A cage tripped and during this incident seven people have been injured in the cage.
“One of them is in a critical condition in the ICU at Konkola Mine Hospital in Chililabombwe,” Mr Shachinda said.
He said a medical team was conducting further examinations on the other employees who were rushed to hospital by a rescue team.
Mr Shachinda said production was temporarily suspended and investigations instituted to determine the cause of the accident.