Arguing with the consequences
Published On August 23, 2019 » 2181 Views» By Times Reporter » Features
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CERTAIN hospital insiders whispered in the 1980s about numbers of young women who lost their wombs when they sought abortions.
The gynaecologist who performed the abortions so loathed the whole question of terminating unborn babies’ lives that, without the women’s knowledge, he pulled out their wombs.
Naturally, the women did not know what had transpired, until many years later some of them had a rethink after going childless in their marriages.
Searching their memories, they recalled the abortions as the only possible cause for the loss of their wombs; but by then the man had left the country and there was no viable evidence they could have used against him.
If you needed to understand that consequences happen whenever you do wrong, this is a real life example.
If you needed to realize that even consequences that should not happen will follow wrongdoing, this is one living example.
Choices are negotiable, but the consequences are not.
This is why from ancient times certain things are simply not done.
The lesson is that you are free to choose whatever you wish to do: but you have no choice about the consequences of your choices.
This is where many individuals suffer from a reality crisis; few are aware that you cannot choose what results must follow your actions.
Whether you like it or not, the consequences will follow if you invite them by your actions.
One of the lessons from the fruit Adam and Eve ate—a mere fruit—is that because they did what they should not have done, consequences that should not have followed them began to follow them and their descendants.
Let’s bring that to the present.
One consequence of sex between a man and a woman is the conception of a baby.
Prochoice activists reject that consequence and would rather have abortion as a ready way out for those who cannot accept their babies up to delivery—but the women cannot deal with the psychological, emotional and spiritual turnovers of killing their own offspring within their own bodies.
In fact no one can deal with the mental and gynaecological consequences of abortion on women who cannot conceive after tampering with their wombs.
There are consequences to aborting your own child, even if you may appear to ‘get over it’ before the eyes of society.
Think about the consequences of sex change or transgender procedure: the psychological, emotional, intellectual and spiritual torment cannot be glossed over.
For all the hullabaloo around sex change rights, nothing changes your genetic status: either you have chromosomes XX (which define you as a female) or XY (which define you as a male).
Normally, people have 46 chromosomes in each cell.Two of the 46 chromosomes, known as X and Y, are called sex chromosomes because they help determine whether a person will develop male or female sex characteristics.
Normally, females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.
To opt out of your essential, fundamental substance that makes you you, is to exit from reality. It is to commit suicide; a cop-out which leaves the surgically changed person genetically still male or still female.
Every argument against moral laws and norms can be raised in the name of personal freedoms—but you cannot debate the consequences of going against such boundaries.
Did you know that consequences tend to queue up?
There are just results of wrongdoing, and there are unjust results. This is all part of the consequences.
Just results are the right, lawful consequences of say a law court process where a matter is properly tried and concluded.
An offender is tried and judged fairly, leading to a just result.
Unjust results occur when for example an offender suffers excessive punishment, acts of revenge, media undressing (for the famous or prominent persons) and even unnecessarily nasty treatment.
Here we might think of a husband catching his wife in bed with another man.
A common trend is for such husbands to video the disgraced wives and their lovers for social media—not discounting chances that some scenes are actually acted and therefore unreal—which benefits neither the offender nor the offended.
While adultery itself is abominable, the broadcasting of it is an outcome that was not supposed to happen; but it happened because the adultery itself was not supposed to take place at first.
Think of a court case; sometimes people in authority offer to secure light sentences for accused persons, and they ask for bribes.
“Pay the fee and we will speak to the magistrate”—you pay the fee and still suffer the heaviest sentence possible.
The fee paid in vain is an unjust consequence of one offence.
In real life, years ago one man’s manhood was severed by the husband of his lover, and he died not long after that.
Did he deserve to lose his vitals as a consequence of adultery? That was a consequence neither lover had bargained for.
Consider another real life scenario where a woman went to a certain man to report that his wife was living in adultery.
“Sir, I want to let you know that your wife is hitting it out with my husband. They are having an extra-marital affair.”
In response, the offended man, on hearing about what his wife was doing, told the woman, “Look; this is what they have chosen to do; let’s get together and forget about them.”
The two started living as husband and wife and their spouses could not do anything about it. Here is an unforeseen consequence with far-reaching impact in the lives of many families.
Two things should concern you at this stage; the first is the entry point into radical evil, where regardless of the consequences a person dives headlong into wrongdoing; and the second is the possibility that a person may go so far as to be beyond redemption or beyond grace.
For a great many people, the entry point into total evil in all its blackness happens when they are very young; possibly at primary school-going age.
The police have grappled with cases of adults initiating schoolboys and schoolgirls into witchcraft and Satanism by implanting sinister powers in them.
The use of tattoos has planted in the children powers to roar like a lion, to blaze with fire in the eyes, or to turn invisible.
In reality, what is happening is the purposeful spread of demonic possession.
Organizations like Scripture Union, which moulded generations of present parents and leaders in Zambia and elsewhere, need to be revitalized so as to counter the satanic onslaught on young lives.
Children are being drawn into realms where the consequences on their souls can only be unspeakable.
We do not think that Jehovah, the Most High God, could ever surrender and give up on anything; after all He is all-powerful, omnipresent and omniscient.
But Scripture tells us that God does surrender people to their choices—which is a disastrous consequence of persistent wrongdoing.
If you examine Romans 1:24, 26 and 28, you see that when people intelligently and consciously choose radical evil and enter into the development and advancement of wrongdoing, God eventually surrenders them to their choices.
Towards the end of the chapter, you read about people who not only do evil, but who also invent more ways of doing evil; and who also approve of others doing so.
In other words, God surrenders when people make logical, informed choices to pursue evil and commit to it.
In the end they grow increasingly wicked, their spiritual senses and moral compasses mangled in sinfulness.
Where grace has been withdrawn there is no redemption because all that Heaven could do has been done, but the human soul has made its choices.
In Ezekiel 8 we learn that decisions to pursue evil and evil spirits can be made right in the places where Jehovah is supposed to be worshipped.
In that chapter, God showed the prophet three scenarios happening in and around the temple of the Lord:
Seventy elders of Israel were involved in idol worship of creeping things and abominable beasts;
Women were weeping for Tammuz (a Sumerian fertility god similar to the Greek god Adonis); and
Twenty-five men with their backs toward the temple of God were worshipping the sun in the east.
For all the wrongful choices we make, consequences will follow.
Galatians 6:7 says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”

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