‘Investigate stock feeders’
Published On August 23, 2019 » 2011 Views» By Times Reporter » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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. Siliya


THREE livestock feed manufacturers said to be paying up to K170 for 50kg of maize that is then processed into stock-feed have been accused of distorting the prices of maize and mealie meal in the country.
Vice-President Inonge Wina yesterday summoned Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo to her office and directed him to immediately meet the involved companies to arrest the price distortion in the maize-buying market.
Ms Wina is acting Republican President.
The Government has received information that three major livestockfeed manufacturers, Zambeef, Tiger Animal Feeds and Novatek Animal Feeds, are buying maize at the exorbitant prices to make stock feed cake for export.

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