CRIME should never be allowed to thrive in a civilized society. The rise of gangster life in Kitwe with at least four youths rivals gangs makes very sad reading is a matter that should have been controlled well over 20 years ago.
Youths should at all times be encouraged to work hard so that they earn a living legally. By so doing, a county will be raising a citizenry that will work hard and strive to excel without breaking the laws or having to injure or kill someone to make it in life.
Unfortunately, the Copperbelt has been allowed to be den of gangsters who have been getting all the praises despite leading a thug-like life. The jerabos or jailbirds have thrived for years on the Copperbelt and have been receiving reverting reviews from the community.
They wanton tantrums have even found themselves in songs from their peers which has turned them into some sort of stars.