‘Speed up wage review’
Published On May 3, 2018 » 2262 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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. Simukoko


PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has directed Minister of Labour Joyce Simukoko to expedite the process of revising the minimum wages to ensure that workers have decent pay.
Mr Lungu said Government was aware of the need for more disposable income to enable workers put food on their tables and meet other various family needs.
Officiating at yesterday’s Labour Day celebrations in Lusaka, Mr Lungu said Government was aware that those in the lower income bracket were struggling to afford basic necessities.
“I therefore, direct the minister of Labour and Social Security and social partners to expedite the process so that we have revised minimum wages in the soonest possible time,” Mr Lungu said.
He said to ensure that workers had decent wages, a baseline survey on the prevailing minimum wages in various sectors had been done to help in the revision of the domestic, shop workers and general workers’ wages.
Mr Lungu disclosed that Government would this year pilot the simplified registration system aimed at formalising entrepreneurs in the formal economy to demonstrate its commitment to facilitating the formalization of the informal economy.
This year’s Labour Day theme is ‘Building partnership for sustainable national development through decent job creation and social justice’.
Mr Lungu said the country was recognising sacrifices made by a marketeers, salon owners, nurses and miners among other workers in various sectors of the economy.
The theme emphasised the importance of workers, employers and Government working together in the quest to create an inclusive and participatory environment.
The President said economic growth that generated decent jobs and guaranteed social justice could only be achieved, if there were strong ties, linkages and partnerships among all stakeholders.
He, however said that mutual trust, respect and commitment were prerequisites that contributed to sustainable national development and fair distribution of wealth adding that all Zambians had an important role to play.
He said Government was aware that a large part of labour force was earning a living from the informal economy and applauded Zambians working at small scale level; from newspaper vendors to marketeers, carpenters, welders, transporters, small scale farmers and cross-border traders, among others .
“I applaud them because I believe in the principle of ‘never despise the days of small beginnings,’ Mr Lungu said.
The President also disclosed that the Government was vigorously promoting the growth of cooperatives as a business model and expanding their scope beyond agriculture into other growth sectors such as manufacturing, tourism and financial services
President Lungu also warned employers in the country against flouting labour laws saying those found wanting would face the the law.
Mr Lungu said that while Government had continued to prioritise the creation of employment opportunities, it was its desire to ensure that the jobs created were decent.
He said jobs should ensure that workers had social security coverage, enjoyed their rights at work and have social dialogue mechanism at their disposal.
Mr Lungu said that Government would continue investing in the human capital development and social protection because it understood that as a country it could not have sustainable development without addressing people’s vulnerability.
“Our workers deserve to work in safe and healthy conditions. No worker should incur injury, illness or indeed lose life at work out of negligence,” he said.
He said Government was however aware that some employers were non-compliant.
Hundreds of employees from all sectors participated in the colorful match past to the amusement of the President.
Minister of labour Joyce Simukoko said that there was need to make sure that every job created was decent.
Ms Simukoko said that sustainable national development could not be achieved if there was no decent pay and good working environment
She called for the broadening of the negotiating table from traditional salary increment to other conditions such as according workers with mortgages for building houses as many retirees were dying of depression because they were unable to pay rentals after retirement.
Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) president Chishimba Nkole said that society was faced with a lot of challenges such as erosion of incomes, poverty , rising unemployment among youths and gender inequality.
Mr Nkole saluted the courage, resilience and patriotism of Zambian workers and commended employers who honoured their workers as a means of motivating them.

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