DID you ever realise that you may not have absolute access to lavatories in most Zambians bank even after waiting in a queue to get a service? Well, imagine standing in a queue for long...
Read MoreJohn Njovu warns that we should not quickly jump to conclusion on the basis of what we see or hear because the consequences can be dire as happened to him and his partner… I LOVE...
Read MoreBy ANDREW KALIMA – VOLKER Seitz, a former German diplomat with 17-years of experience in Africa, once said that three out of four development projects in Africa fail. This may sound not familiar to many...
Read MoreA LONG time ago, Greek philosopher Epictetus (55-135 AD) said, ‘First say to yourself what you would be; and then DO what you have to do’. Jim Brown observes that, ‘Success is not only for...
Read MoreBy MAPULANGA LIBINGA – INFRASTRATURE development projects are taking centre-stage in many parts of the country and Copperbelt Province is receiving a reasonable share of the activities. Construction of roads, which is taking place in...
Read MoreBy MARTIN NYIRENDA Childhood is hard-hitting for many orphans in Zambia. Orphan Medical Network International (OMNI) is working to empower those Children by providing health care, education, and community development. As one of the most...
Read MoreBy DANIEL SIKAZWE – In the cacophony of a bustling market in Lusaka’s Central Business District, several fish traders are busy wadding off a buzz of flies circling round their fresh breams. The fish comes...
Read MoreMINING activities in Africa has also attracted the scramble for economic opportunities offered by the continent to the outside world. In many parts of Africa, mines are operated by foreigners with labour-intensive equipment used in...
Read MoreBy MARTIN NYIRENDA – TIMES of Zambia, a national daily newspaper, published since the colonial period, when the paper was known firstly as The Copperbelt Times and then The Northern News. In simple terms, when...
Read MoreBACKYARD or open burning is a common phenomenon in many townships of Zambia, despite the habit being harmful to both the environment and to human beings. People burn trash for various reasons, sometimes because they...
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