By BRIAN HATYOKA – IT is undisputable that access to Internet has lately increased in Zambia and other countries globally.This is due to a number of factors, such as digital transformation and coronavirus (COVID-19) public...
Read MoreJANUARY 18, 2022, will forever be a memorable event for 21 local innovators, youths and researchers dotted across different parts of the country.This is because it was on this day when the successful applicants were...
Read MoreBudgeting is a critical aspect of every Information Technology (IT) leader.Is your IT department operating with a budget?Is your budget aligned with the business objective?Is your budget focus on short term or medium term or...
Read MoreBy POTIPHER TEMBO – WHAT appeared to be a dead issue has resurfaced: Residents of Ndola’s Chifubu Township have petitioned Government to enquire into the demolition of Mpezeni Hall and the acquisition of some community...
Read MoreWHY doesn’t she or he just leave their partner? This and many other questions many people ask when we learn that a woman or man is suffering violence and abuse in a relationship.Everyone has differences...
Read MoreWHILE society sympathises with sexually abused children and pushes for the punishment of the offenders, there is usually not so much attention given to effects of sexual abuse on the children afterwards.Various studies have shown...
Read MoreBy HAPPY MULOLANI – ONE of the key sectors which need to be exploited to contribute to improved livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Zambia is the aquaculture and fisheries sector.A notable fact is that despite...
Read MoreBY Maimbolwa Mulikelela – HAVING a well functioning payment infrastructure that can integrate the disparate payment systems across the African continent is critical to its growth.As countries begin to trade under the African Continental Free...
Read MoreFOR an ordinary woman trading in the market place, waking up early in the morning to make a living through selling various items is important.Like every working mother, such traders have to rely on some...
Read MoreBy Haroon Ghumra – THE curtains came down almost a fortnight ago on what has indeed been an eventful and challenging year – 2021.Across the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to dominate the headlines.People’s livelihoods...
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