Browsing the "Stories" Category
July 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

 – THE Government will soon conclude negotiations with the investors for
the establishment of the more than 10,000-hectare sugar plantation in
Luapula Province, Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo has said. Mr Kasolo said discussions between...

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July 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

MOST Zambian small businesses have been experiencing stunted growth due to lack of adequate financial capital. My observation is that in as much as individual business and marketing proposals could be brilliant, implementation of the...

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July 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

TODAY we look at a very important document that usually acts as a road map prior to the setting up of a business or to the already existing one to enhance its growth. This business...

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July 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

By JUDITH NAMUTOWE- THE soya bean value chain has been identified as priority, based on a number of agronomic and nutritional attributes, as well as its income generating potential for poor farmers, especially women. Soya...

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July 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

INSURANCE brokers play an important role in an economy. In our market, about fifty per cent of gross written premium is transacted through brokers. Notwithstanding this prominent contribution, a number of clients still mull over...

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July 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

I SPENT the Heroes and Unity holidays in my home town Kabwe and while there, I could not help but wander into history lane, wondering as to what had happened to the declaration of the...

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July 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

By HELEN ZULU- MUCHINGA Province Minister Gerry Chanda has urged farmers in the area to embrace technology in crop production in order to improve yields. Colonel Chanda said Muchinga Province and the country at large...

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July 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

By MAIMBOLWA MULIKELELA- THE Government has called for continued investment in human capital development to realise meaningful growth and  increased revenues. Secretary to the Treasury, Fredson Yamba said it was important to understand that investment...

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July 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

By JAMES KUNDA- THE Chembe Multi-Facility Economic Zone (MFEZ) is expected to start developing this year, following pledges by potential investors to establish business ventures there, Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo has said. Mr...

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July 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

By JUDITH NAMUTOWE- DEPUTY speaker of Parliament, Mkhondo Lungu has called for concerted efforts that will ensure benefits arising from the country’s strong economic performance. Mr Lungu said such benefits should trickle down to ordinary...

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