AS the drive to curb competition in this dynamic environment continues, Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs)are increasingly becoming more resilient to keep up with the pace as pressure mounts.Today’s article reminds us how diverse...
Read MoreCONFLICT of interest is increasingly becoming a topical issue in modern day global business and one of the ‘silent killers’ of financial markets and their underlying national economies.This issue too, poses one of the greatest...
Read MoreTODAY, we want to delve slightly deeper the allocation towards the economic affairs in the 2022 National Budget.On the overall, as indicated last week, Finance and National Planning Minister, Situmbeko Musokotwane proposes to spend nearly...
Read MoreBy Maimbolwa Mulikelela – ANNE Mutale-Katongo is one of the many rural peasant farmers whose life changed drastically when she was diagnosed with COVID-19, and spent several days in quarantine.During the quarantine period, Ms Katongo...
Read MoreBy KENNEDY MUPESENI-GEMFIELDS has uncovered a 7,525 carats (about 1,505 grams) gemstone which it has named Chipembele, meaning “rhino” in Bemba at its Kagem emerald mine in Zambia. The discovery of Chipembele follows the 6,225...
Read MoreBy KENNEDY MUPESENI-THE Government should organise a national stakeholders’ indaba to come up with solutions of dismantling the staggering US$10 billion local debt, Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) has said.ZAM north steering committee chairperson Berry...
Read MoreBy MAIMBOLWA MULIKELELA-THE introduction of the Zambia Credit Guarantee Scheme for Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) will help small companies mobilise affordable resources for growth, according to CUTS International.This sector is said to be marginalised...
Read MoreBy CHATULA KANGALI-LOCAL and international tourists should take interest in learning more about religious and pilgrimage tourism by visiting the David Livingstone Memorial Park in Chitambo district, Central Province.Ministry of Tourism public relations officer Shakabilo...
Read MoreBy MAIMBOLWA MULIKELELA –THE establishment of Integrity Committees (IC) will strengthen the processes and procedures at the Zambia National Building Society (ZNBS) to enhance service delivery. Having an IC at ZNBS was critical as it...
Read MoreBy MILDRED KATONGO – THE Higher Education Authority (HEA) has concluded meetings with the Health Professions Council of Zambia (HPCZ), intended to clarify and finalise the transition process of health colleges and institutions to the...
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