By PERPETUAL SICHIKWENKWE – FORMER world heavyweight boxing champion Joseph ‘No Pressure’ Chingangu is in court again, facing a familiar charge of theft. In addition to the theft case, he is facing an assault charge....
Read MoreBy MUNAMBEZA MUWANEI – CHIEF Chikanta of the Tonga people of Kalomo has said there is nothing wrong for President Edgar Lungu to be given land by King Mswati of eSwatini (formerly Swaziland). The traditional...
Read MoreBy ESTHER NG’ANDU – A KITWE magistrates’ court has handed out what are known to be first sentences in gang-related crimes that have rocked the city in recent times, sending two members of the notorious...
Read MoreBy JAMES KUNDA – HE did not get the cremation he so passionately championed, but Lusaka’s late mayor Wilson Kalumba was sent off in a blaze of tributes during a ceremonial funeral attended by thousands...
Read MoreBy KASONDE KASONDE – A WOMAN in Lusaka has sustained wounds on her face and is admitted to hospital after her husband hit her with a brazier. This was after the husband also hit her...
Read MoreBy STEVEN ZANDE and HELLEN TEMBO – HEALTH Minister Chitalu Chilufya has directed the Permanent Secretary Kennedy Malama to suspend contents of a circular which was issued earlier this week banning private practice among public...
Read MoreBY STEPHANIE KUNDA – POLICE in Ndola have picked up a decomposed body of a woman suspected to have been murdered in Ndeke township. Copperbelt police Commissioner Charity Katanga identified the deceased as Anastasia Banda,...
Read MoreBy JAMES KUNDA – THE Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has with immediate effect partially lifted the suspension on the road service licence for Juldan Motors bus services. The transporter’s license was suspended last...
Read MoreBy PERPETUAL SICHIKWENKWE – FORMER Second Republican President, Fredrick Chiluba’s son, Fredrick Mwape Junior has been convicted and jailed for eight months with hard labour for stealing a mobile phone which he traded for drugs...
Read MoreBy STEVEN ZANDE and CHUSA SICHONE – ABOUT 78 per cent of invited stakeholders attended the two-day National Democracy Stakeholders Summit (NDSS), Zambia Centre for Inter-Party Dialogue (ZCID) has said. ZCID board chairperson Nathan Mulonga...
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