All posts by "Reporter"

December 10, 2018 - 0 Comments

By HELEN ZULU – THE Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal (CCPT) has this year handled 46 appeals compared to 34 appeals handled in 2017. Head CCPT Kelvin Kamayoyo said this indicated a marginal growth of...

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December 10, 2018 - 0 Comments

By CHILA NAMAIKO – PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu says nobody is above the law and has directed the law enforcement agencies to ensure that public officers cited in the Auditor General’s Reports are punished and any...

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December 10, 2018 - 0 Comments

By CHILA NAMAIKO – PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has expressed concern at reports of some police officers running illegal businesses such as pirating and transporting goods and services including passengers. Mr Lungu cited reports such as...

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December 10, 2018 - 0 Comments

By STEVEN ZANDE – EASTERN Province Minister Makebi Zulu has said the Constitutional Court (ConCourt)’s ruling on President Edgar Lungu’s eligibility to contest the 2021 general elections demonstrates Zambia’s ability to resolve disputes amicably and...

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December 10, 2018 - 0 Comments

By HELLEN TEMBO – HOUSING and Infrastructure Development Minister Ronald Chitotela has said construction works on the US$200 million 48 Marine Unit project have reached 82 per cent completion. Mr Chitotela said only 18 per...

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December 10, 2018 - 0 Comments

By EMILY KUWEMA – FORMER Chief Justice Ernest Sakala has said the Zambian judiciary is independent and operates without any undue influence from any arm of the Government. Justice Sakala who has 35 years of...

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December 6, 2018 - 0 Comments

By HELEN ZULU – THE Government is focusing on building a nation that depends on its own resources for national development by enhancing domestic revenue collections in the country. Finance minister Margaret Mwanakatwe said this...

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December 6, 2018 - 0 Comments

By CASSEY KAYULA – THE rise in export earnings and a slight import contraction resulted in 4.4 per cent drop in Zambia’s current accounts’ deficit to US$277.5 million as at September, 2018. Bank of Zambia...

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December 6, 2018 - 0 Comments

By CHUSA SICHONE – PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu says there is need to improve the living standards of inmates because incarceration does not mean loss of human dignity. President Lungu said inmates are human beings just...

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December 6, 2018 - 0 Comments

By CHUSA SICHONE – THE Government has withdrawn the motor vehicle replacement allowance and eligible offices will revert to their previous conditions of service effective January next year. Secretary to the Cabinet Roland Msiska said...

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