Cyclist kills Luapula man
Published On September 16, 2015 » 2130 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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Police capBy NORMA SIAME –

A CYCLIST has hit and killed a pedestrian in Mansa after making a sharp left-turn near the Mansa-Tuta Road junction.
Luapula Province Police Commissioner Hudson Namachila, who confirmed the incident, said the accident happened around 19:00 hours on Tuesday 12 kilometres north of the Musaila junction on the Lubwe-Musaila Road.
The incident involved a Mountain Gents bicycle whose frame number was not visible cycled by Stephen Chipulu, 28, of Clement Village in Chief Mibenge’s area.
Chipulu while cycling made a left-turn and, in the process hitting a pedestrian identified as Donald Mupemba, 47, of the same area.
The deceased sustained internal injuries arising from the mishap and later died at Samfya District Hospital.
A police account of the accident indicated the bicycle was undamaged.

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